Saturday, 29 October 2011

Adelaide's First Urgent Care Centre (UCC)

Operated by the doctors who brought you "Wakefield Emergency Centre" this centre will be FASTER and CHEAPER than hospital based emergency services! GP's can refer their urgent cases to the UCC for first line treatment then return follow‐up with them. This is NOT a General practice service. Situated at the large Tennyson Centre medical complex,520 South rd Kurralta Park.  We have everything you need for your urgent care needs, with on site pathology lab, on site radiology, quick access to  ultrasound, CT and MRI as well as a wide range of specialists support.
The EKERA Urgent Care Centre will be operational early next year and provide the patient with an unique quick experience .
Open 7 days per week from 9am till 9pm.
No appointments just turn up.

This service has everything for the sick and walking wounded. Our aim is to have you   “in and out in under an hour!”   Unique to any other medical service we have a full service coffee lounge inside our centre so patients can relax with family and have a coffee while waiting for the results of tests.  There is HEAPS of parking.
Further info Dr Nyk Wolianskyj 0427 447121 Dr Phillip Kay 0418 758509
EKERA UCC 520 South Rd Kurralta Park

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