Friday, 23 December 2011

Ekera Urgent Care SA "Seasonal Greetings"

Ekera Urgent Care SA team wishes every one a

May the good times and treasures of the present 
become the golden memories of tomorrow.
Wish you lots of love, 
joy and happiness this Christmas 
and a 
Prosperous New Year 2012 

Friday, 16 December 2011

EKERA walk-in Emergency Clinic

Ekera Urgent Care SA Tennyson  will provide South Australia the first walk-in Emergency Clinic.
It is all about treating patient urgently and efficiently. The walk-in emergency clinic will provide a  quick , good care  at a fraction of the cost of an emergency centre.
Walk-in Emergency clinic means you can see us with out an appointment with extended hrs 7 days a week. Medical condition like
a.  Urinary Tract infection, Ear aches, Eye problems, wound care, simple burns , cuts and stitches, colds and flu, sinus infection, sport injuries, sprains and fractures, asthma, stomach aches , abdominal pain, confusion, allergies, bites, workers compensation, drug and alcohol testing etc.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Ekera Urgent Care SA Comic strip

Ekera Urgent Care SA has developed a comic strip.please click on the comic tab
Please send ideas for future comic strips to Ekera Ideas

Friday, 4 November 2011

Ekera Urgent care on facebook

Ekera Urgent Care SA division has incorporated all latest technology to make it more accessible for patients  and clients to see the development progress

Come and visit us on face book and say high

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Doctors information about Ekera Urgent Care Adelaide

General awareness for the GP and specialist

What is Urgent Care?
This is a new area of medicine that originated in the United States due to the failure of Emergency Departments to provide timely and easy accessible care to the sick and injured.  Mostly run by Emergency Physicians they are basically walk in emergency centres for GP’s to refer to or patients to elect to attend for episodic care.  They do not do appointments, routine care or chronic illness etc.  They have the ability to handle major emergencies if necessary with Resus capable facilities but are not predominantly ambulance focused.

They are aimed at the 75% of patients who attend emergency centres but do not require to be admitted. These patients normally have the longest waiting time while the doctors are looking after sick stretcher patients so they become dissatisfied with the wait or the cost.   Our centre will aim at an “in and out in an hour” philosophy where waiting times will be almost nil with on site path lab and XR to get things sorted quickly so they can go back home.   We can take some ambulances but you need to have the view that we will be able to discharge them and not require urgent admission.  Things such as fracture and dislocations, asthma, severe migraine, chest infections, can all be treated.
As with the policy we had at Wakefield Emergency Centre all patients will have letters, emails or faxes back to their GP’s and return to them for after care. There will be a close relationship and we will discuss patients per phone regarding any complex arrangements. 

The Centre will be fully equipped to Emergency Centre standards and have multiple consulting and treatment areas.  

Ekera Medical Pty Ltd is the parent company and is in the process of opening two centres in Melbourne.  Adelaide will be number three.  Local Director will be Dr. Nyk Wolianskyj who with Dr. Phil Kay, Emergency Specialist, commissioned Wakefield Emergency Centre in 1996 and managed it until sold to LCM in September 2011.  Both Nyk and Phil are Directors of this new site.  We still own our patient data base and medical records so all is still there. This site will be faster and cheaper than using public or private ED’s for those patients that suit.   Referrals can be by phone, fax, email or letter as with WEC.   We will treat and investigate the patient and then get back to you re options for further care. An “ehealth” hub has been formed for your access and continuity of your patients. We will be doing little or no after care and will have good access to Specialists if need be. For patients who may need admissions which can be up to 10% we will arrange all this.

For further information please contact Dr Nyk Wolianskyj 0427447121 or Dr Phil Kay 0418758509
There are some website to also consider

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Whats urgent care all about ?

It is basically a "walk in" emergency centre but we do take some ambulances e.g. renal colic. Fully equipped and staffed by emergency doctors it is aimed at the 75% of patients who attend emergency who do not need to be admitted. We do not treat life threatening conditions like heart attack or strokes but all everyday emergencies are dealt with such as acute illnesses, wounds, fractures, sick kids, sprained ankles, chest infections and so on.  If you need to be admitted to hospital we can arrange that through our local contacts. The Centre is overseen by an Emergency Specialist.

Adelaide's First Urgent Care Centre (UCC)

Operated by the doctors who brought you "Wakefield Emergency Centre" this centre will be FASTER and CHEAPER than hospital based emergency services! GP's can refer their urgent cases to the UCC for first line treatment then return follow‐up with them. This is NOT a General practice service. Situated at the large Tennyson Centre medical complex,520 South rd Kurralta Park.  We have everything you need for your urgent care needs, with on site pathology lab, on site radiology, quick access to  ultrasound, CT and MRI as well as a wide range of specialists support.
The EKERA Urgent Care Centre will be operational early next year and provide the patient with an unique quick experience .
Open 7 days per week from 9am till 9pm.
No appointments just turn up.

This service has everything for the sick and walking wounded. Our aim is to have you   “in and out in under an hour!”   Unique to any other medical service we have a full service coffee lounge inside our centre so patients can relax with family and have a coffee while waiting for the results of tests.  There is HEAPS of parking.
Further info Dr Nyk Wolianskyj 0427 447121 Dr Phillip Kay 0418 758509
EKERA UCC 520 South Rd Kurralta Park